Friday, 22 March 2013

Metadata Stores Community News #14

  1. First to submit Final Report for a Metadata Stores project is the University of Queensland's UQ Data Collections Registry (UQ-DCR) project - congratulations to Project Manager, Hoylen Sue!
  2. Data surgeries/clinics will go into recess for Easter but resume on the 10th April 2013 (usual time). On the 17th April 2013, we have tentatively booked Carolyn Hulsbergen to talk about Change Management at Deakin University;
  3. Round table: Optional Deliverables and delays on Wednesday 10th April 2013 will be a discussion to clarify any flow-on effects from release delay to ReDBox 1.6;
  4. For those that missed the terrific presentations by Marianne Brown, Jon Hurn & Lynn Davies, and Maude Francis, recordings were successful and should be available soon after Easter.

Roundtable: Optional Deliverables and delays - 10th April 2013

Round table: Optional Deliverables and delays on Wednesday 10th April 10:00am NSW, Vic, Tas, Qld, (9:30am SA and NT) (8:00am WA) via GoTo Meeting - log-in details below...(places limited to 26).

There appears to be a flow-on effect with respect to the completion of some of the optional deliverables and the ReDBox 1.6 release that could push some projects past agreed completion dates.

As many of you have expressed interest in participating in a discussion around this topic please find below a Draft Agenda - all to be confirmed:

  1. Status of collaboration Optional Deliverables - Reporting, Embargoes, Ethics (Vicki Picasso - Newcastle / Toby O'Hara - UWS)
  2. Status of collaboration Optional Deliverable - DMP (tbc Flinders)
  3. ANDS position on projects extensions beyond 30th June 2013 (Andrew Treloar / Simon Pockley - ANDS)
  4. What will be in ReDBox Release 1.6.1 (Duncan Dickinson - QCIF)

Please note... I will be on leave from the 23rd March to 7th April 2013. This Draft Agenda is so that you have some advanced notice of the discussion on the 10th April.

Any thoughts? Have I missed anyone/anything? - please contact me asap 03 99020549.

How to access this roundtable

1. Please join my meeting.
2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.

Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +61 2 8355 1031
Access Code: 902-515-079
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 902-515-079

Friday, 15 March 2013

'People do projects' - with Jon Hurn (UTas) and Maude Francis (UNSW) - Wed 20th March 2013

Don't miss these two quite different perspectives from Jon Hurn (UTas) and Maude Francis (UNSW) on Wednesday 20th March 10:00am (NSW, Vic, Tas) (9:00am Qld) (9:30am SA) (8:30 NT) (7:00am WA) via GoTo Meeting - log-in details below...(places limited to 26).

First. "Project plans don’t do projects - people do projects.” says Jon Hurn, the 4th Project Manager for University of Tasmania's TReDDS Metadata Stores project (MS12). Jon has been making rapid progress with the TReDDS (Tasmanian Research eData Directory Service) successfully uploaded party data to the test system and harvesting Tasmanian data collections. The project will support a discovery service for Tasmanian researchers – extended as a national and international service for Tasmania’s key scientific disciplines.

Please note, a video capture of this presentation is now available.

Second. Maude Francis will share some research use cases to demonstrate UNSW infrastructure for research data management and 'Mediated Deposit'. This includes sourcing party and activity data from the UNSW data warehouse, creation of metadata records in ResData (UNSW metadata store), and the generation of DOIs from ANDS Cite My Data. UNSW is also planning to integrate data management planning and reporting functionalities with dataset descriptions and data storage.

Presentations are expected to be 15-20mins with 10mins for questions.

Please note, a video capture of this presentation is now available.

How to access this workshop
1. Please join my meeting.
2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.

Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +61 2 8355 1031
Access Code: 902-515-079
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 902-515-079

Thursday, 7 March 2013

JCU's Research Portfolio and Self-Deposit with Marianne Brown - Wed 13th March 2013

Don't miss this discussion about JCU's Research Portfolio and Self-Deposit with Marianne Brown on Wednesday 13th March 10:00am (NSW, Vic, Tas) (9:00am Qld) (9:30am SA) (8:30 NT) (7:00am WA) via GoTo Meeting - log-in details below...(places limited to 26).

Accurate and up-to-date researcher profiles require complex back-end systems and researcher enthusiasm. The efforts of the remarkable Marianne Brown are turning the spotlight on James Cook University (JCU). Marianne will be sharing her experiences with developing JCU's soon to be launched Research Portfolio - a system for building research profiles. She will also explain how JCU has approached the challenges of facilitating researcher self-deposit.

Marianne has been bulk importing data collections from a number of software services by handcrafting one record and using it as a template for the rest. On the 1st of March she successfully pushed 1,498 collections records related to the Edgar service to Research Data Australia [see video about Edgar].

Please note, a video capture of this Presentation is now availale .

How to access this workshop
1. Please join my meeting.
2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.

Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +61 2 8355 1031
Access Code: 902-515-079
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 902-515-079

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Metadata Stores Community News #13

1. Coming events:

  • Wednesday 13th March 2013: Marianne Brown JCU's Research Portfolio and Self-Deposit.
  • Wednesday 20th March 2013: U Tas Building the Tasmanian Research eData Directory Service (TReDS) + UNSW: building an enterprise system.

2. Recording of Tim Matching Workshop with Natasha Simons (Griffith) from Wednesday 27th February 2013 is now available.

3. Why not consider submitting a Guide to Deliverables with your Final Report? Such a document would list each Deliverable with links to the supporting evidence. Acceptance Criteria for Metadata Stores Deliverables - Note this Tab in the Metadata Stores blog.

Any questions, clarifications or additions please contact Simon Pockley (03) 99020549

Monday, 4 March 2013

ReDBox Intensive - with Duncan Dickinson Wed 6th March 2013

Don't miss this ReDBox Intensive with Duncan Dickinson on Wednesday 6th March 10:00am (NSW, Vic, Tas) (9:00am Qld) (9:30am SA) (8:30 NT) (7:00am WA) via GoTo Meeting - log-in details below...(places limited to 26).

This is a chance to engage in a discussion with Duncan and your colleagues about where ReDBox might be heading and to increase your understanding of some of of the nuanced aspects of this popular Metadata Stores Solution. Topics suggested include:

  • The road ahead...
  • How to plug ReDBox into VIVO
  • What to do about Technical Metadata
  • What happens in curation Curation
  • Performing Data Harvests
  • ReDBox in the cloud

The ReDBox (Research Data Box) is an open source project with a strong community focus. It has been designed to assist universities in bringing their research metadata under management, meeting the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, and interfacing with Research Data Australia, the national research data discovery system. ReDBox has been the solution of choice for 15 of the 21 Universities participating in the Metadata Stores Program. It is supported by a strong user group and QCIF provides vendor support for ReDBox on a commercial basis.

How to access this on-line GoTo Meeting session
1. Please join my meeting.
2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.

Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +61 2 8355 1031
Access Code: 902-515-079
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 902-515-079
