1. Report: A system for extracting and updating common organisational metadata into a central authoritative source [PDF 880KB].
An excellent example of a description of the methods and technologies developed by CSIRO for their Metadata Stores project.2. List: Unexpected behaviours in NLA/Trove
A working list of unexpected behaviours associated with the NLA Trove Identification process includes work-arounds and the status of each issue.3. ISIL codes
See Party records and Trove: Training Module 1-AAn ISIL is an International Standard Identifier for Libraries and Related Organisations. It is a unique number that can be assigned to every library and related organisation in the world.
The ISIL takes the form of a country code prefix, then a hyphen, then an identifier issued by that countries national library authority. The identifier issued by the national library in Australia is a National Union Catalogue (NUC) symbol. NUC symbols are widely used by the Australian library and research community for identification and communication within the national and regional networks.
The NUC codes are assigned and managed by the National Library of Australia through the Australian Libraries Gateway (ALG) service. An ISIL for an Australian organisation is made up of: the country code AU, a hyphen -, then an identifier (the National Union Catalogue (NUC) code ) issued by the NLA.
To check or obtain an ISIL, a contributor needs to:
- Go to the Australian Libraries Gateway website and use the search options to check if their organisation has a NUC symbol.
- If that the organisation has a NUC symbol, then simply add the prefix AU then a hyphen (-) to formulate the ISIL. For example, the NUC symbol for Griffith University is QGU. Therefore the ISIL for Griffith University is 'AU-QGU'. If the organisation has a number of NUCs listed in ALG, you should check to find the most appropriate one to use. If you are unsure of which NUC to use you should consult with the section/s in your organisation with NUCs. This will usually be the main library in the organisation. Contributors can use the NUC for the 'parent' organisation or library, as long as you will be the only ones using that NUC in an ISIL for contributing people and organisation records.
- If you can't find an entry for your organisation in Australian Libraries Gateway you should go to the Australia Libraries Gateway 'Contact us' page and complete and submit the 'Add a new library' form.
ISIL's (with NUC codes) and Names
- If a NUC code to be used is for the 'parent' organisation the contributor name to go with the ISIL should be the name of the 'parent organisation.
Example: QUT is the NUC code for the parent 'Queensland University of Technology' so the name 'Queensland University of Technology' should be the name used with the ISIL AU-QUT". - If a NUC code to be used covers the 'parent' organisation and the Library then the contributor name to go with the ISIL should be the name of the 'parent' organisation.
Example: QGU is the NUC code for the 'parent' Griffith University and the Griffith University Library. The name 'Griffith University' should be used with ISIL AU-QGU. - If a NUC code to be used is for a specific section then the contributor name to go with the ISL should be the name of the Organisation and/or Section/program/branch.
Example: ANU is the NUC code for the 'parent' Australian National University and for the Australian National University Library. However there are also a number of related branches/sections/libraries that have ANU as the 1st part of their NUC code. - If a related branch/program/section were to be used by a contributor then the NUC code used should reflect that.
Example: The NUC code for the ANU Archives program is ANU:NB and the name that would go with this NUC would be 'ANU Archives Program'. Similarly the NUC code for the Australian Dictionary of Biography is ANU:ADBO and the name that goes with this NUC is 'Australian Dictionary of Biography Online'.
Please confirm your ISIL code and how you want the name of your institution to be displayed. You can do this by posting a comment or by sending an email to simon.pockley@ands.org.au
University | code | ISIL Codes | Contributor name | Contact name |
ANU | MS03 | AU-ANU | doug.moncur@anu.edu.au | |
Griffith | MS04 | AU-QGU | Griffith University | j.morris@griffith.edu.au |
QUT | MS05 | AU-QUT | Queensland University of Technology | m.borchert@qut.edu.au |
UQ | MS06 | AU-QU | The University of Queensland | h.sue@uq.edu.au |
JCU | MS07 | AU-QJCU | James Cook University | marianne.brown@jcu.edu.au |
La Trobe | MS08 | AU-VLU | La Trobe University | R.Sadler@latrobe.edu.au |
Deakin | MS09 | AU-VDU | Deakin Uni Library | megan.capicchiano@deakin.edu.au |
RMIT | MS10 | AU-VIT | alan.lo@rmit.edu.au | |
Melb Uni | MS11 | AU-VU | simon.porter@unimelb.edu.au | |
Swinburne | MS26 | AU-VSWT | Swinburne University of Technology | smarchaud@swin.edu.au |
U Tas | MS12 | AU-TU | john.parry@utas.edu.au | |
Flinders | MS13 | AU-SFU | amanda.nixon@flinders.edu.au | |
U Adelaide | MS1 | AU-SUA | The University of Adelaide | cathy.miller@adelaide.edu.au |
Uni SA | MS15 | AU-SUSA | angelica.healey@unisa.edu.au | |
UWA | MS17 | AU-WU | University of Western Australia | mary.white@uwa.edu.au> |
Newcastle | MS18 | AU-NNCU:A | vicki.picasso@newcastle.edu.au | |
Macquarie | MS19 | AU-NMQU | dianne.hillier@mq.edu.au | |
U Sydney | MS20 | AU-NU | mike.baker@sydney.edu.au | |
UNSW | MS21 | AU-NUN | m.frances@unsw.edu.au | |
UTS | MS22 | AU-NTSM | Michael.Lynch@uts.edu.au | |
UWS | MS23 | AU-NUWS | University of Western Sydney | e.ermita@uws.edu.au |
CSIRO | MS25 | euan.sangster@csiro.au |
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