Metadata Stores Community News #7
- New guidance for D4 (NLA/Trove Identifiers)
Connecting researchers to their data is much easier if researchers are uniquely identified. ANDS partnership with the National Library of Australia (NLA) to develop a National Party Infrastructure to provide persistent Identifiers for people and groups (Parties) is realised in Deliverable 4: demonstrated alignment of records about Parties with the ARDC Party Infrastructure…
In response to your requests for a more quantitative goal for D4, ANDS recommends that Metadata Stores projects aim to:
- include NLA Party Identifiers for the ARC/NMHRC grant investigators that have been started after 1st January 2009 and that you create and maintain NLA identifiers for the researchers whose research data is already published in Research Data Australia (RDA);
- (…for those wanting to extend the reach of their projects) include Party Identifiers for grant recipients for the last 10 years. This extended coverage will enable institutions to develop a richer research portfolio based on award history.
A recent survey 16 universities with Metadata Stores projects by Amir Aryani (ANDS) indicates that the numbers of Grant Investigators (2007-2010 - where investigators are counted once for each institution) should be easily manageable. Examples: RMIT 76, Deakin University 57, Griffith University 127,
- ReDBox collaboration meeting in South Australia
A meeting is scheduled for 10am on Friday September 7 in the eResearch VisLab, Room 119 in the Physics Building at the University of Adelaide to discuss a possible collaboration around the mandatory deliverables as well as Integration with Research Master. For more details contact Andrew Williams [] mobile: +61 410 221 647.
- 3 Minute Video: Duncan Dickinson describing ReDBox
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