Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Wednesday: Amir Aryani will answer your Trove questions (Coming) What happens when you've built your Metadata Store?

1. Amir Aryani will be available to answer and NLA/Trove questions following Hoyken Sue's presentation last week.

Wednesday 23rd January 2013 10:00am (NSW, Vic, Tas) (9:00am Qld) (9:30am SA) (8:30 NT) (7:00am WA) via GoTo Meeting - details below

2. Coming - Natasha Simons will be discussing how the team at Griffith University overcame challenges associated with their Research Hub.

Wednesday 30th January 2013 10:00am (NSW, Vic, Tas) (9:00am Qld) (9:30am SA) (8:30 NT) (7:00am WA) via GoTo Meeting - details below

This discussion will include:

  1. what to do with dirty data?
  2. getting support
  3. getting access to data from different systems
  4. finding new sources of data to input into your metadata store (e.g. our theses database)
  5. what happens when your metadata store solution starts to compete with your publications repository?
  6. developing a sustainability plan to get long-term support for the Hub post-project completion that might be useful to share.

1. Please join my meeting.

2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +61 2 8355 1031
Access Code: 902-515-079
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

Meeting ID: 902-515-079


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