Monday, 11 February 2013

Metadata Stores Community News#11

Lot's on...

1. Many thanks to Natasha Simons for a great presentation about the challenges arising from building the Research Hub at Griffith University. We have an audio file of the Presentation and Discussion that will be made available to you as soon as I have processed it and Natasha has approved its release.

2. NLA/Trove - unexpected behaviours. Recent experiences with the NLA/Trove test environment have resulted in a working list of unexpected behaviours. Most need some form of explanation. We'll be talking through this list on Wednesday 13th February 2013 10:00am (NSW, Vic, Tas) (9:00am Qld) (9:30am SA) (8:30 NT) (7:00am WA) via GoTo Meeting (more details to follow).

3. 18th February 2013 - Research Profiles Conference 2013
Venue: Melbourne University. Sponsored by Symplectic. Registrations. This one day conference will explore how Australasian Universities as a whole can leverage this capability to gain advantage on an international stage.

Topics covered will include:
  1. The international state of play in research profiling
  2. An assessment of the technologies and standards that assist in the syndication of research information, with a particular emphasis on VIVO as an enabling platform
  3. Local experiences of implementing research profiling systems
  4. A road map for open research data and the university
  5. The future of research reporting and assessment in an era of open data
4. 19th-20th February 2013 ReDBox Community Day and a half. The link to the Agenda has now been updated to include the second day (20th Feb).


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