Thursday, 25 October 2012

Metadata Stores Community News #9

1. Software choice: The University of South Australia has evaluated a number of open source software solutions as part of the Research Metadata Store project. The Project Team documented the complete set of ANDS requirements in addition to capturing all the UniSA requirements for a research metadata store then compared each open source software solution against the combined ANDS and UniSA requirements. A summary of this evaluation [Google doc] is now available.

Consequently, there has been interest in comparing rationales for the choice of software for Metadata Stores. I am currently compiling a set of one paragraph summaries. Please contribute?

2. Research Data Management Guidelines: Congratulations to the University of Sydney on launch of their new site.

3. Workflows: Several universities have expressed an interest in comparing workflows - especially workflows relating to Data Management Planning and registering new Collections in the university.

Is there anyone who would be prepared to share their workflows? Please send me a version for sharing []

We have also been asked about workflow formatting requirements in the relation to Deliverable 6.

Acceptance: This will be demonstrated by a document description (with schematic) of the workflow that includes some form of alert or notification that a new collection has been, is being, or is about to be, created.

ANDS does not mandate any particular format for this description or the schematic. However, it would be useful if it was human readable. Here is an example of how ANDS describes a workflow Workflow 1: Contributing Party Records to Trove.

4. Metadata Stores surgery/clinic: The next clinic will be held on Novemeber 7th 2012 at 10:00am - a reminder will be sent out on the Monday before with the log-in details.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Next weekly data surgery will be on the 7th November 2012

Please note that due to eResearch in Sydney next week and a clash this week, the next Metadata Stores weekly data clinic/surgery will be held at 10:00am on Wednesday the 7th November 2012.

For those in Queensland, there will be a Queensland Roundtable on the 25 Oct 2012 10:00-12:00pm local Brisbane Time.

Draft Agenda

Current Project Status - Each project
Current national level activity update from ANDS - Simon Pockley
Other business

If you would like to log-in by phone then contact Andrew White (ANDS/QCIF Research Data Analyst)

M: 0468 989 096
T: +61 7 3735 6735
F : +61 (0)7 3735 6650

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Announcing DMP21

As we mentioned at our recent surgeries we hope to adapt the latest version of DMPonline to make it available.

Our version will have only 21 baseline data questions, but this can be expanded by you to meet your needs.
We hope the blog will help you understand what we are doing and our rational. We will post our thinking and results so you can follow our progress, comment and ask questions as we go.
With your help we will make DMP21 available and ready for you to customise and use at your institution.
As researchers create their data management plans you will be able to use their responses to advise and assist them.

The navigation bar shows the coverage of the questions in DMP21. These are the primary topic areas where researchers will contribute their information. These also become the areas of advice that researchers may require more help and assistance with. We aim to provide sound generic advice and information. DMP21 in addition allows institutions to add their own advice and local links to resources.

Subscribe now

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Reminder: Metadata Stores - Clinic/Surgery: Wednesday 10:00am-11:00am

If you would like to continue the discussion about Data Management Planning tools begun by Toby O'Hara...then drop into today's Metadata Stores - Clinic/Surgery: Wednesday 10:00am-11:00am

by following the GoTo meeting link:

Meeting Location:

Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a multimedia headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +61 2 8355 1030
Access Code: 435-051-343
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 435-051-343

Press for Information about GoTo Meeting technical requirements etc .

This is intended to be a weekly catch-up. An opportunity to raise issues, share and compare useful tips and resources.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Reminder: Metadata Stores - Clinic/Surgery (Wednesday)

Metadata Stores - Clinic/Surgery: Wednesday 10:00am-11:00am

Drop-in to this regular event by following the GoTo meeting link:

Meeting Location:

Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a multimedia headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +61 2 8355 1030
Access Code: 435-051-343
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 435-051-343

Press for Information about GoTo Meeting technical requirements etc .

This is intended to be a weekly catch-up. An opportunity to raise issues, share and compare useful tips and resources.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Metadata Stores Community News #8

1. Metadata Stores - Clinic/Surgery: Now open every Wednesday 10:00am-11:00am

Anyone keen to discuss aspects of their project with like-minded colleagues is welcome to drop into this regular event by following the GoTo meeting link:

Meeting Location:

Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a multimedia headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

Dial +61 2 8355 1030
Access Code: 435-051-343
Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
Meeting ID: 435-051-343

Press for Information about GoTo Meeting technical requirements etc .

The weekly catch up is an opportunity to raise issues, share useful tips and resources. The format has been useful for the latest round of Seeding the Commons projects. You might like to participate in various specific training/presentations/workshops that are being conducted in the same space between 11:00am - 12:00pm. For example, last Wednesday, Luis Martinez-Uribe spoke about how to develop a Data Management a Roadmap for your University.

2. ReDBox collaboration

Many hands make light work. 13 Universities have indicated that they are deploying ReDBox for their Metadata Stores projects. Would you like to share in the benefits of working collaboratively? Please contact Amanda Nixon either through the ReDBox list [] or directly [] [Ph (08) 8201 5217].

Amanda asks you to consider:

  1. An estimate of when you may be able to commit to this development model
  2. An indication of whether you will be contributing with cash or in kind

Would you send Amanda questions/comments/suggestions/changes to the original ReDBox feature development document and the list of possible fields for ReDBox 17 October (earlier if possible)? She will then will try to work them into something coherent that can be jointly endorsed and send to QCIF.

Note. You can access a working list of the choices of optional deliverables [Google doc]. N.B. this list may be slightly out of alignment with incoming Project Plans. Please contact Simon Pockley if you have updates.
