The ORCID identifying space is not the same as the NLA/Trove space, and each has different functionality and will serve different purposes. For example, the former would be useful for researchers who may wish to have multiple identities and the latter more useful for institutions seeking an authoritative ID.
ORCID only launched in production a few weeks ago. If you have had a play with ORCID you would have seen that some of the functionality is 'in construction'. ANDS is planning to support it in our identification infrastructure next year. 'Under the hood' - ORCID Identifiers are actually International Standard Name Identifiers (ISNI) and the two organisations (See ISNI and ORCID) are also working through any issues of complementary models and shared approaches. Identities from the National Library of Australia have already been uploaded to the ISNI space.
In the meantime, ORCID identifiers can be included as Identifiers in Party records (for Research Data Australia) where appropriate. There has been a request to Services to include ORCID as an Identifier type
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